Venting Systems from ACS

Greenhouse venting systemWell engineered and properly installed, greenhouse venting systems can provide many years of reliable operation. And since venting is such a crucial funtion in the greenhouse environement, you will benefit greatly by specifying a high quality vent system along with proper installation, adjustment and control.

ACS works with all of the major greenhouse manufacturers and will install and control venting systems from many of these.

The list below shows some of the gearmotor assemblies we have installed, adjusted (limit switch adjustments are critical to proper vent operation), maintained and controlled:

  • Wadsworth
  • Ridder
  • Lock

Besides these specific vent drives, we have worked with most of the greenhouse manufacturers and their respective control panels and interfaces to bring these venting systems under the control of the greenhouse control system.

Please contact us to help you specify and install your venting systems.