ACS Clients & References
Listed below are a sampling of our clients from around the country. These facilities represent commercial growers, research & institutional facilities, as well as universities & colleges.
For a list of references in your area, please contact us and we will be happy to provide one for you.

- AgBiome - Research Triangle Park, NC
- BASF - Research Triangle Park, NC
- Bayer CropScience- Research Triangle Park, NC
- Ball Flora - West Chicago, IL
- Ball Helix - West Chicago, IL
- Ball Horticulture - West Chicago, IL
- Blue Sterling Nursery - Bridgeton, NJ
- Binghamton University - Binghamton, NY
- Bordine Nursery - Clarkston & Grand Blanc, MI
- Boyce Thompson Institute - Ithaca, NY
- Brooklyn Botanic Gardens - Brooklyn, NY
- Cornell - Ithaca - NY
- Eastern Kentucky University - Richmond, KY
- Florida State University - Tallahassee, FL
- Harvard - Cambridge, MA
- Kansas City East Ag Campus - Kansas City, KS
- Kansas State University - Manhattan, KS
- Longwood University - Farmville, VA
- Macalester College - St. Paul, MN
- Middle Tennessee State Univ. - Murfreesboro, TN
- Monsanto - Research Triangle Park, NC
- Morehead State University - Morehead, KY
- North Dakota State University - Fargo, ND
- North Dakota State University - Minot, ND
- Northern Garrett High School - Accident, MD
- OARDC Ohio State University - Wooster, OH
- Ohio State University - Columbus, OH
- PanAmerican Seed - Elburn, IL
- Penn State University - State College, PA
- Rutgers Floraculture - New Brunswick, NJ
- Southern Growers - Montgomery, AL
- Speedling - Blairsville, GA
- Star Roses - Jennersville, PA
- Syngenta - Durham, NC
- Texas Tech University - TX
- The Scotts Company - Marysville, OH
- The Sound School - New Haven, CT
- Trax Farms - Finleyville, PA
- University of Kentucky - Lexington, KY
- USDA Southern Hort Lab - Poplarville, MS
- Washington University - St. Louis, MO